Member-only story
A Proposal to Fix Justice in America
Why We Need a 28th Amendment to the Constitution
The Problem
The Trump presidency has exposed a critical weakness in the separation of powers within the government, and the understanding of justice across the country. The weakness is symbolized by the inability of Congress to enforce subpoenas during the process of investigating and impeaching the President, the White House obstruction of criminal and civil investigations, and blatant statements of partisanship from the most important leaders in the Senate. The politicization of the Supreme Court, the openly partisan activities of the Attorney General, and the circus that was the Mueller Investigation, are all indications of problems in the adjudication and enforcement of justice within the federal government. They in turn are the result of the interpretation, application, and enforcement of criminal law becoming dependent upon political ideology. Legally and even morally understandings of ‘right and wrong’ have become a function of political ideology and loyalty to personality, rather than the result of individuals across all three branches of government upholding their respective oaths of office.